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How To Get There
Sarawak Cultural Village
How To Get There
About Sarawak
How To Get There


The schedule of the shuttle is as below:

1. City Shuttle timing for RWMF

Pick-up point/time from City Hotels to SCV main entrance
Adult @RM10.00 per way
Child @RM5.00 per way (6 - 12 years old)

Holiday Inn Kuching

Grand Continental Hotel

Crowne Plaza Riverside

Hilton Kuching

Harbour View

Merdeka Palace

1000 hrs 1005 hrs 1010 hrs 1015 hrs 1020 hrs 1025 hrs
1100 hrs 1105 hrs 1110 hrs 1115 hrs 1120 hrs 1125 hrs
1200 hrs 1205 hrs 1210 hrs 1215 hrs 1220 hrs 1225 hrs
1300 hrs 1305 hrs 1310 hrs 1315 hrs 1320 hrs 1325 hrs
1400 hrs 1405 hrs 1410 hrs 1415 hrs 1420 hrs 1425 hrs
1500 hrs 1505 hrs 1510 hrs 1515 hrs 1520 hrs 1525 hrs
1700 hrs 1705 hrs 1710 hrs 1715 hrs 1720 hrs 1725 hrs
1800 hrs 1805 hrs 1810 hrs 1815 hrs 1820 hrs 1825 hrs
1900 hrs 1905 hrs 1910 hrs 1915 hrs 1920 hrs 1925 hrs
2000 hrs 2005 hrs 2010 hrs 2015 hrs 2020 hrs 2025 hrs

Pick-up point/time from SCV main entrance to City Hotels
Adult @RM10.00 per way
Child @RM5.00 per way (6 - 12 years old)

1230 hrs 1400 hrs 1730 hrs 2230 hrs 2300 hrs 0030 hrs 0130 hrs

2. Santubong Shuttle timing for RWMF

Shuttle from 1000 hrs - 0130 hrs
Adult @RM5.00 per return trip
Child @RM5.00 per return trip (6 - 12 years old)

Santubong Resort RWMF venue ~ SCV main entrance
RWMF venue ~ SCV main entrance Santubong Resort

Shuttle transfer coupon can be purchased at all the hotels stated above, or at the ASIA (Association of Sarawak Inbound Agencies) Office.


2013 Rainforest Music Festival